Sunday, January 11, 2009


I respectfully request your presence at the Grand Opening of my new etsy shop:

Browse around, 'window shop' (if you will), take advantage of my Grand Opening Special:

through 31 January 2009

Help a Sista out; Spread The Word!

All my 'Crafty' fam; if you have an etsy shop, let me know so I can visit you. If you DON'T have an etsy shop be sure to explore the possibility of opening one ASAP, it is a fantastic marketing medium for all things hand made.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Little Something

MLK Jr said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." I could go on for days with quotes but the point is that we are all part of a global community that is linked together in ways most of us cannot even conceive. Success or failure of the parts effects success or failure of the whole. I believe it is our individual responsibility to do whatever we are able to insure the success of the parts and consequently the success of the whole. This is a little something we can all do:

Mercy Corps Gaza Aid Petition

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Inauguration Essay Contest

Do you know that the Inauguration Committee is having an Essay Contest to send 10 winners (and one guest each) to the historic Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama?

My understanding is that the winners (and their guests) will receive transportation, hotel and admission to inaugural events including parade, swearing in and an official ball. Contest participants are encouraged (but not required) to contribute at least $5 to the events. If you are thinking about entering and cannot (or prefer not) to contribute financially there is a link in the left column of the submission page for you to submit an essay (required) only. The deadline for submission is midnight on 8 January. Winners will be selected by 15 January and notified by 16 January.

There are several articles about this. Three that I read are, and The U.S. News and USA Today articles include a link to the submission page which is The U.S. News article also has a link to the 'essay only' submission page.

Habari Gani?!

What's the News?! Today is the seventh day of Kwanzaa. The answer to the question is:
Imani ~ Faith!

I respectfully request that you spend some time during each day of Kwanzaa to reflect on what the principle for the day means in your life and how you practice the principle everyday.

'This far by Faith', 'Faith of our Fathers'. Without faith (and hope) we perish. Faith, whether we are aware of it or not, is what enables us to keep going no matter what. I believe many who chose not to be here any more have lost faith. I don't believe everyone's faith is the same. What (or who) we have faith in, the level or strength of our faith etc. are as individual and changing as each moment in time.

The Nguzo Saba (or Seven Principles) of Kwanzaa are universal in their value to the world community and should become part of our daily existence. Thank you Dr. Karenga for being the vehicle to bring forth this time of reflection and re-commitment. I don't know how close the holiday is to what you envisioned as it has taken on a life of its own. I believe that as it continues to do this, it is what 'The Creator' intends. Peace, Love, Joy and Many Blessings.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Habari Gani?!

What's the News?! Today is the sixth day of Kwanzaa. The answer to the question is:
Kuumba ~ Creativity!

I respectfully request that you spend some time during each day of Kwanzaa to reflect on what the principle for the day means in your life and how you practice the principle everyday.

I sincerely believe the Creator has bought every one of us here with gifts. Some of us never figure out what they are. Some of us never figure out how to use them. But we all have them. I believe the greatest tribute we can give to the one who bought us here is to discover and maximize the gifts were were given to the best of our ability. Much Love.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Habari Gani?!

What's the News?! Today is the fifth day of Kwanzaa. The answer to the question is:
Nia ~ Purpose!

I respectfully request that you spend some time during each day of Kwanzaa to reflect on what the principle for the day means in your life and how you practice the principle everyday.

My understanding of this principle is that our collective purpose is to return to the magnificence established by our forebears. To reclaim our position as the best example of successful community and society. To be responsible not only to ourselves and the living generations but to our ancestors AND our descendants. Individually we are all given gifts/talents/skills/blessings by the the Most High Creator; our job is to use those blessings in harmony with others to fulfill our collective purpose. Much Love.